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When To Search For A New Job

Job Search AdviceCareer Improvement
Is it time to change jobs: When I should Search For A New Job Blog Post from the Career Improvement CLub

There comes a time in everyone's career when the thought of finding a new job crosses the mind. Whether it's due to feeling undervalued, a lack of growth opportunities, or overall dissatisfaction with the current work environment, there are several signs that indicate it may be time to start seeking new opportunities.

In this article, we'll explore the various signs that suggest it's time to start looking for a new job. From feeling stagnant in your current role to experiencing a toxic work culture, recognising the signs is crucial for making informed decisions about your career.

What we’ll cover...

  • The 9 “Tell Tale Signs” that it’s time to search for a new job

  • What to do next

  • How to look for a job whilst in work

  • Frequently Asked Questions (The FAQs)

Let’s get going…

The 9 “Tell Tale Signs” that it’s time to search for a new job.

Whether you're just starting out in your career or have been with the same company for years, knowing when to move on can be a game-changer in your professional development. So, if you find yourself nodding along to any of these signs, it may be a clear indication that it's time to start exploring your options and searching for a new job.


Do you dread Sunday nights because you know you have to go back to work the next day? That feeling of anxiety and dread as the weekend comes to an end is commonly known as the "Sunday Scaries." If you experience this feeling on a regular basis, it's a warning sign that it may be time to start that job search.

Anxiety can be a clear indication that you're unhappy in your current job which left unchecked could develop, negatively impacting your overall well-being. It's important to pay attention to these feelings and consider if it's time to make a change.

It's important to understand what feeds your anxiety, is it the job role, the people, the culture, the environment.  A change in job may not always be the answer. Take time to understand what causes these feelings and take positive action to address it, if changing jobs is the solution then go for it.


You've reached the ceiling of what is possible in your current job. You've mastered your role, taken on additional responsibilities, and proven your capabilities time and time again. But despite your efforts, there's no room for growth or advancement within your current company. It's a frustrating and stagnant feeling, and one that often leads to the question: "When do I know it's time to search for a new job?"

Stagnation can lead to a lack of motivation and a decline in job satisfaction, ultimately affecting your overall well-being. Additionally, if you've expressed your desire for growth and been met with resistance or empty promises, it may be a sign that the company is not invested in your future.

Recognising when it's time to move on can be difficult, but it's essential for your professional growth and happiness. Keep an eye out for these red flags and trust your instincts when it comes to knowing when it's time to search for a new job.


If you find yourself taking more sick days and notice that people are picking up on your mood swings at work then it might be time to evaluate your current job situation.

Your well-being is suffering when you constantly feel stressed, anxious, or unhappy at work. Whether it’s due to a toxic work environment, lack of growth opportunities, or a mismatch with your values, it’s crucial to recognise the signs that it might be time to search for a new job.

Your mental and physical health should not be compromised for the sake of staying in a job that doesn’t support your overall well-being. Taking stock of how your job is impacting your health and happiness is an important step in knowing when it’s time to make a move.

Don't ignore the signs – you are more than just a job description, listen to your body and mind, and consider if a job change cod to a better, more fulfilling work experience.


In the fast-paced and competitive world of work, it's common to find yourself feeling undervalued and underappreciated by your employer.

No matter how hard you work or how many extra hours you put in, it can sometimes feel like your efforts go unnoticed. This lack of recognition can be demoralising and leave you asking yourself if it's time to start looking for a new job.

Does your current employer provide clear career pathways, training plans or pay reviews?  Having a clear pathway to progression is essential for personal and professional growth, talk to existing employers if this isn't in place and if they don't seem that interested then maybe it's time to look for that next employer who will help you become the best version of yourself.

You deserve to work in an environment where your efforts are valued and acknowledged.


In today's uncertain economic climate, many professionals find themselves facing the possibility of layoffs and job uncertainty. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress, as individuals wonder whether it's time to start looking for a new job or to stay put and weather the storm.

It's important to consider various factors before making a decision, such as the overall health of the company, the potential for future growth, and your own career goals and aspirations. Rumors may just be rumors, therefore make sure you get the facts before making any key decision.

Before jumping, be sure to do your research, the job market may not be an easy one, therefore are you better to just stick it out and buy yourself an extra pay check or two.


If you are feeling bored and unchallenged in your current job it may be time to consider searching for a new job that can offer you the challenge and growth you crave. When everything starts feeling a little too easy, it's a sign that you've outgrown your current role and are ready to take on something new and more challenging.

Stagnation in your career can lead to decreased motivation, lower job satisfaction, and ultimately hinder your professional growth. Take a moment to reflect on whether you feel stimulated and engaged in your current job or if it's become monotonous and unfulfilling.

If you find yourself craving new opportunities and looking for ways to expand your skills, then it's a clear sign that you're ready for a change. It's important to recognise when it's time to move on and seek out a new role or challenge that will reignite your passion for your career.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and pursue new opportunities that will push you to grow and develop professionally. Trust your instincts and take the leap when you start feeling bored and unchallenged in your current job.


Do you dread going into work every day because of backstabbing colleagues and a horrible boss? Is there a constant air of snide comments and negativity in the office? If this sounds like your current situation, it may be time to start looking for a new job. Toxic work environments can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, and it's important to prioritise your health and happiness.

Toxic environments come from the top down, poor leadership and management are often to blame, therefore before deciding to leave ask yourself "is the management team likely to change in the short term?" If he answer is no then it could be time to update your resume and start networking with professionals in your industry

Don't be afraid to take the leap and search for a new job that will make you excited to go to work again. Your mental health and well-being should always come first.

When to search for a new job: Is your boss toxic


Do you constantly find yourself working late, taking on more responsibilities than you signed up for, and feeling like your efforts are going unrecognised? If everything falls on your desk and you're relied upon, but not rewarded fairly, it might be time to chat to your boss or start searching for a new job.

Feeling undervalued and taken for granted in your current role can be extremely disheartening and can have a negative impact on your overall well-being. It's important to recognise your worth and seek out opportunities that align with your skills and provide the recognition and compensation you deserve.

A simple exercise is to keep a log of how many hours you work in any given week along with a note of duties and responsibilities you performed outside your contracted job description.  At your next pay review show your evidence and ask for a pay rise in line with the hours and work. It might just be your bosses don't realise.


When you feel like you have to put on an act to fit in and get by, it can be mentally draining and take a toll on your overall well-being. It's important to find an environment where you are accepted and valued for being you.

A workplace that lets you be authentic and allows you to express your true thoughts and feelings will not only be more fulfilling and enjoyable, but will get the best out of you and will be better for your mental and emotional health in the long run.

What to do next…

Taking into consideration the 9 tell tale signs, you should now have a clearer understanding of whether embarking on a job search is the next logical step for you. Some of the concerns raised may be mitigated by open communication with your managers, taking some time off, or practicing patience as potential solutions.

However, if these issues persist or seem insurmountable, taking proactive steps to regain control of your professional life becomes crucial. Initiating a positive and stress-free exit strategy is key. Things to consider:


Your professional happiness is paramount for a fulfilling career. Start by reflecting on moments in your past roles that brought you joy and satisfaction.

One useful exercise to figure out what makes you happy is to create two columns with the headers "Enjoy" and "Don't Enjoy." Then, as you go about your daily duties, make notes in each column about whether you enjoy or don't enjoy each task. Over the course of a few weeks, you'll be able to see at a glance what you like doing and what you don't.

Dedicate time to self-assessment, identifying patterns in the tasks and environments that contribute to your happiness. Additionally, seek feedback from mentors and colleagues to gain valuable external perspectives on your strengths and sources of fulfillment. This can help you identify the aspects of your job that bring you joy and fulfillment, as well as the tasks that drain your energy and motivation.

Once you have a clear picture of what makes you happy at work, you can begin to consider whether it's time to move on to a new opportunity that aligns more closely with your passions and interests.


Start by conducting research into the skills and qualifications that are in demand in your desired field or industry. This will help you identify any gaps in your own skill set or resume. Tools like the following career planner can be a great help in understanding what skills you need.

Once you've identified these gaps, it's important to take proactive steps to brush up on the necessary skills and experience. This may involve taking courses, obtaining certifications, or gaining relevant work experience through internships or volunteer opportunities. By taking the time to research and improve your skills, you'll be better equipped to make a successful career move.

Remember, it's never too late to learn new skills or expand your knowledge base. Investing in your own professional development will not only make you a more desirable candidate to potential employers, but it will also increase your confidence and job satisfaction in the long run.


It's important to keep your resume up to date, regardless of whether you're actively looking for a new job or not. An up to date resume provides clarity on your future and allows you to make notes on your current and recent achievements, which may otherwise be forgotten. This is especially important if you are considering a job change, as it will help you to easily update and tailor your resume for different job applications.

Keeping your resume up to date also makes it easier to spot any skill gaps that may need addressing in your current role, and will ensure that you are prepared if an unexpected job opportunity arises. By regularly updating your resume, you can confidently and efficiently pursue new job opportunities when the time is right.

Always be prepared for the next step in your career by keeping your resume current and in good shape.

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Professional Resume Template - Download.


Updating your profile subtly over time, rather than making mass changes all at once, helps to ensure that you do not raise suspicion with your current employer. This allows you to network with potential new connections and explore new opportunities without jeopardizing your current job.

Another important aspect to consider is the timing of your job search. It's important to leave your current job on your own terms, rather than in response to external pressures. This allows you to be proactive in finding the right opportunity for your career growth and ensures that you are not forced into a hasty decision.

As you update your LinkedIn profile (LinkedIn profile tips here), keep in mind that it is a powerful tool for networking and job searching. Your profile should reflect your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in a compelling way that attracts potential employers. By updating your profile subtly and networking strategically, you can position yourself for success in finding a new job on your own terms.

Once you’ve updated your profile be sure to also configure your LinkedIn alerts, you can find out how to create a LinkedIn job alert here.


Ensuring financial stability is pivotal during a job transition. Kickstart the process by evaluating your current financial landscape and crafting a meticulous budget. Identify areas where expenses can be streamlined, allowing for a more efficient use of resources. Simultaneously, fortify your financial foundation by establishing or reinforcing an emergency fund—equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. This prudent measure acts as a safety net during your job search, providing assurance should unforeseen circumstances arise.

Anticipate potential gaps between roles and, if you're contemplating a career shift or strategic step backward, integrate budgeting and saving into your plan. In the dynamic landscape of career transitions, meticulous financial preparation ensures a secure foundation, eliminating uncertainties in this crucial aspect of your journey.


Navigating a career transition demands inner strength. Begin by adopting positive affirmations, fueling your confidence and envisioning a smooth shift. Connect with seasoned professionals who've faced similar transitions, tapping into their experiences for valuable peer support and insights. LinkedIn is a great place to do this.

Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine, fostering a resilient mindset that embraces success and navigates the challenges of professional change. This proactive approach establishes a foundation for confident and adaptable navigation through the nuances of your career transition.

Foresee potential emotional gaps between roles and prepare mentally for a career shift or strategic step backward. Embrace uncertainty as a platform for growth and learning. Seamlessly integrate mental preparedness into your plan, recognising the dynamic nature of career transitions. Just as meticulous financial preparation ensures a secure foundation, cultivating mental readiness eradicates uncertainties, providing unwavering support throughout this vital aspect of your journey. Time Magazine's 10 tips for emotional resilience are a useful starting point for more info.


Lingering in indecision places you in a stagnant limbo. It's a state of disengagement from your current role without the commitment to seek new horizons. Inaction won't untangle the web; it merely prolongs the uncertainty, therefore prolonging the anxiety

Break free from the grip of indecision and take action. Confront the signals, weigh-up your options, and make a resolute choice that aligns with your future aspirations.

What ever you decide make a decision and stick to it!

QUOTE: Indecision, the silent thief of promising careers. Take acion.

QUOTE: Indecision, the silent thief of promising careers. Take action.

Career Coach - Suzie Finch on LinkedIn.

How to look for a job whilst in work

Looking for a new job while currently employed can be a delicate balancing act. It's important to keep your search discreet and professional while still giving it your all at your current job.

When you've made the decision to start job hunting while still employed, it's essential to take a strategic and discreet approach. You'll want to update your resume and LinkedIn profile, network with industry contacts, and apply for jobs during non-work hours. With careful planning and consideration, it's possible to navigate the job search while still maintaining professionalism and dedication in your current role.

What to consider when moving jobs whilst in work...


Job searching can be stressful at the best of times, but when you factor in existing work commitments the challenges of diary management and general organisation can go up a level.

By proactively preparing for the upcoming challenges, you can minimise stress and pave the way for a successful outcome.

Begin by updating your resume and optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Define specific job search criteria and consider how to manage interviews within your existing schedule, such as checking holiday entitlement. Conduct thorough research on potential employers and industries to inform your decisions. Develop a comprehensive networking and job application strategy, and identify any skills gaps that may need attention.

Being organised in advance sets the stage for a confident and efficient job search process. Take the time to prepare, and you'll navigate the complexities with greater ease and effectiveness.


Building a strong network on platforms like LinkedIn can open up potential job opportunities and give you access to a wider range of connections in your industry. By connecting with professionals in your field, you can gain valuable insights into potential job openings, career paths (highlighting potential skills gaps you may have) and companies that may be hiring.

Reach out to colleagues, former classmates, and other professionals you have worked with in the past. You can also join industry-specific groups and engage in discussions to make new connections. When connecting with people, be sure to personalise your messages and express genuine interest in their professional background.

Networking can also provide valuable information about company cultures, job market trends, and potential career paths. By expanding your network, you can stay informed about new job opportunities and be proactive in searching for your next role. So, if you're wondering when to move jobs, start by getting networking on platforms like LinkedIn to explore your options and expand your professional circle.

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As interviews begin to arise, make sure to let potential employers know that you are still currently employed. Be clear about your notice period and the reasons why you are looking to leave your current position.

Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to job searching. Potential employers will appreciate your transparency and it will help to build trust from the start. Additionally, being open about your current employment status will help to manage expectations and avoid any misunderstandings later on in the hiring process.

By being open and honest with potential employers, you can set the stage for a positive and respectful working relationship from the very beginning.


When it comes to exploring new job opportunities, confidentiality and discretion is key as it helps you to avoid any potential backlash from your current employer. This means not discussing your job search with anyone at your current company, even your closest colleagues. If word gets out that you're looking for a new job, you could find yourself on the market sooner than anticipated.

By keeping your job search confidential, you can avoid any potential awkwardness or tension in the workplace, leave on good terms and keep your reputation intact.


Making the decision to switch jobs requires a smart and informed approach. Assess factors like job satisfaction, career growth, work-life balance, and company culture. Understand your career goals and evaluate how a new job aligns with them.

Consider the market demand for your skills and weigh the pros and cons of staying versus leaving. By being strategic and thoughtful, you can make a well-informed decision.


It's not uncommon for companies to offer more money or better benefits in an attempt to retain valuable employees who are considering leaving for a new opportunity. This can often put the employee in a difficult position, as they need to weigh the pros and cons of staying versus taking the new job.

If you find yourself in this situation, it's crucial to have a clear decision in mind before the counter offer is even presented. Knowing in advance whether you are open to staying or have already made the decision to move on will ensure that you can make a confident and informed choice when the time comes. Consider what factors are most important to you in a job and whether the counter offer addresses these concerns. Be prepared to communicate your decision respectfully and professionally, regardless of whether you choose to stay or accept the new position.

It's important to consider not just the immediate benefits of a counter offer, but also the long-term implications for your career and job satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions on searching for a new job

  • The right time to start searching for a new job varies for each individual. Signs such as feeling undervalued, a lack of growth opportunities, or dissatisfaction with the work environment could indicate it's time for a change. If you resonate with these signs, it might be worth exploring new opportunities.

  • Open communication with managers, taking time off, or practicing patience can be initial steps. If issues persist, consider a proactive exit strategy. Evaluate your happiness factors, research and enhance your skills, update your resume, subtly update your LinkedIn profile, strengthen your financial safety net, and prepare mentally for the transition.

  • Job hunting while employed requires a strategic and discreet approach. Start by organising yourself—update your resume, optimise your LinkedIn profile, define job search criteria, and research potential employers. Network discreetly by connecting with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. Be honest with potential employers about your current employment status during interviews.

  • Yes, honesty is crucial. Clearly communicate that you are currently employed, mention your notice period, and explain the reasons for seeking a new position. Transparency builds trust from the beginning, manages expectations, and sets the stage for a positive working relationship.

  • Balancing a job search with current responsibilities requires careful planning. Schedule job-related activities during non-work hours, utilise personal days for interviews, and discreetly manage your time to avoid conflicts with your current job duties.

  • Generally, it's advisable to keep your job search confidential until you have a definite offer. If you decide to inform your employer, ensure it's done at the right time and consider potential consequences. Some companies may appreciate transparency, while others might react differently.

  • During economic uncertainties, carefully assess your company's health, future growth prospects, and your personal career goals. Research the job market, gather facts, and consider the overall stability of your current job. If layoffs are rumored, seek verified information before making any decisions.

  • Yes, seeking career guidance or coaching from a careers expert can be beneficial. A career coach can provide insights, assist in clarifying goals, and offer guidance on job search strategies. They can help you identify strengths, improve your resume, and provide valuable perspectives to enhance your overall approach.

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