Why you didn't land that job interview: And what to do about it


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6 Reasons Why You Didn't Land A Job Interview (and what to do about it)...

Job Search Advice, Interview PreparationCareer ImprovementComment
6 top reasons why you didn't get that job interview blog post image.

A job search isn’t an exact science, there are many moving parts in play that truly understanding what is happening behind the scenes can be difficult task. You can spend hours updating your resume, searching through job boards, preparing for the calls and then nothing. Radio silence. We’ll discuss the 6 potential reasons why you didn't land that job interview (and what you can do about it).

It is incredibly frustrating to put in the hours and the work to never hear back. Recruiters are busy people, and rightly or wrongly don’t have the time to reply to everyone let alone give feedback. However, there are things you can do to get ahead of the curve, make yourself seen and get more success.

So, if you've ever been left wondering "why not me" here's some insight into what happens to your CV after you've hit the "apply now" button (and what you can do about it).


Less than 5% of advertised jobs go through a direct hiring manager. Which means that 95% of the time your CV will start it’s journey with a recruitment agent, office manager, HR manager or similar. You’ll fall into the pre-screening process.

Making a quick first impression really counts at this stage so you’ll need to be proactive to get past these gatekeepers, we’d recommend doing the following:

  • Picking up the phone and speaking to them directly. Recruitment is a people game, make a connection and build some rapport.

  • Making your CV stand-out, if your CV is up against another 50 others you’ll need to make it amazing, for inspiration be sure to check out some of these CV Examples

  • Using CV mirroring techniques as well as optimising your CV for the best keywords. At the early stages of the recruitment process your CV will be skim read, therefore the right layout and the right relevant keywords will make all the difference.


Recruitment is hyper competitive, it’s not uncommon for employers to receive 100s of CVs for each position. To overcome this you need to make sure that your CV is one of the first in the hat.

Employers are most enthusiastic at the start of the job search process, they are keen to book interviews and fill positions. You need to make sure your application is submitted before interviews get arranged otherwise you might just end up on the pile of unread applications.

 Be active on the job sites - set up job alerts and apply to new positions immediately. LinkedIn has a neat feature which allows you to be notified each time a new position, you can see how to set up a LinkedIn Job Alert here.


It's standard practice for employers to delve deep into Google to uncover your social history and past online behaviour. Your online reputation counts, so how you appear online can play a massive part in the selection process. 

Job search statistics show that 91% of employers admit to Googling candidates with over 70% admitting to changing their mind after reviewing social profiles. 

Clean up your online profiles, check privacy issues and delete derogatory comments.


In the competitive world of recruitment having a good CV (or Resume) is one of those essentials documents that you must master if you want to progress your career and stand-out among your peers.  I don’t think it is an understatement to say that your CV is one of the most important documents you will ever make.

Although creating a new CV can be a daunting process (especially if you’ve either never made one or can’t remember the last time you needed to make one), it is an essential one, and it is also essential for your career that you get it right.

In this definitive guide to CV Templates we’ve got the complete lowdown that will give you (and your career) the best chance of success.

A standard 2 page word document doesn't really cut it anymore, make an impact and drive interest in your skills. Be creative and highly professional with your CV template.

Download this Creative CV Example

Download this Creative CV Example

Download this Professional CV Example


With average response rates to jobs circling around 62 applications per vacancy expect to face stiff competition. Within those 62 roughly 15% will be strong contenders, so expect to be up against 7 other really good candidates.

Bring your ‘A’ game, be competitive and have a winning mentality. Give yourself the best chance of winning by staying organised, motivated and determined to win through - job search planners will also help.

Tough competition will also bring it’s own unique challenges at the job interview stage as you face tougher and tougher candidates in the battle of “last person standing”. Techniques such as these interview presentation ideas will keep you in the game and up your chances.

Remember, sometimes you are just beaten by another candidate, this happens, but consider that each conversation and interview provides a learning experience moves you closer towards your final goal.


Sometimes things happen which are completely out of your control. It could be the vacancy was filled internally, a company restructure may have taken place, or a more critical role may have opened up that needs filling first. 

Keep on top of recruiters / employers so you can find out when situations arise so you can move on and focus your time on active opportunities.


It isn’t always down to your activity, recruitment is a very fluid and dynamic process with many moving parts most of which are out of your control.

It’s important to stay positive, keep improving and working hard towards getting the right result. Your chance will come.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”–Norman Vincent Peale

Article updated on the 20th March 2023.